Minutes from N.A.Ds Annual General Meeting 12th October 2008


Treasurers report:

Report put to the members, with all monies accounted for.

The proposal to accept the report was forwarded by George Roberts and seconded by David Harvey

This was accepted by the members.


Monies to be collected from Ian Williams

It was proposed to donate £75:00 to the RNLI and £75:00 to a future software system

Proposed by George Roberts

Seconded by Simon Mitchell

Agreed by the members


Future Computer system:

It was proposed the system we eventually buy will be available for use of the MPBA

Proposed by Pete Barrow

Seconded by Simon Mitchell

Agreed by the members


Tied points at the end of the season:

Various proposals forwarded,   the most popular being

Instead of dropping 2 results from a total of 7

To drop only 1 result from a possible 7


12 voted in favour.


This is only if there is a potential tie for points



Chairman asked for any volunteers for any of the committee positions

There was nobody forwarded

Committee agreed to continue if approved by the members

Proposed by Simon Mitchell

Seconded by Paul Heaton

Agreed by the members.


Super mono Class

This will replace current Mono 3 racing and will have a cell count of 5 – 8 cells weights as previously agreed

6 members shown interest in this proposal

Anyone entering this class will require a minimum of 1 yr. racing experience with a recognised body

Proposed by Paul Heaton

Seconded by Joe Read

Agreed by the members


Remain as per current agreement


Mini oval racing

It was proposed to split the class into mono hull class and hydro / cat hull class

This will run on the full oval

Proposed by Ian Phillips

Seconded by Chris Ransome

Agreed by the members



Missed buoys rule

Requires further Confirmation


Boat colours:

No Black on bottom of Boats

Bright colours please


Racing Numbers:

If the race no. comes off a boat during racing, the boat must come off and have no. replaced or repaired


I s Safety Officer required.

Decided that MPBA already has Safety officer,

N.A.Ds currently does not need one


Fire Control

Decided to buy sand and buckets to quench any possible outbreak of fire 


Proposed by Simon Mitchell

Seconded by Chris Ransome

Agreed by the members